Tips in Writing Notes

  1. Notes must avoid being translation-specific. They must not cite any particular version, but rather invoke the ideas in the biblical text. For example, instead of citing the NIV in Mark 1:11 (“You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased”), a note could read, “God calls Jesus his Son because….”
  2. Notes must avoid defending or attacking Christian denominational theological stances.
  3. Add tags for signaling glossary items and articles or for requesting them.
  4. Add other tags as desired. Please respect the correct order of tags. Post the notes in the correct file, and in the right repository.
  5. Avoid referencing words in the biblical languages in the basic-level notes. You may refer to them in the advanced-level notes. When you do reference biblical language words, you must do so using Strong’s numbers. Note that you may only reference biblical words in their dictionary forms, i.e., their citation forms.
  6. Remember that everything you write is to be translated, often into language lacking developed biblical vocabulary. So please follow ELL principles, which will be presented elsewhere.